A Perfect Harvest

A Perfect Harvest

By Bill Fitzhugh
A Perfect Harvest is a thrilling mystery novel that follows a small-town sheriff as he investigates a series of bizarre murders. Gripping and suspenseful.

A Perfect Harvest Book Review

A Perfect Harvest by Bill Fitzhugh is a darkly comedic exploration of the organ donation industry in the US. The story follows Miguel Padilla, who receives two terminal diagnoses and decides to make his final act one of altruism by donating his organs. However, he faces legal obstacles that prevent him from carrying out his final wish.

Fitzhugh’s writing is sharp and witty, with a satirical edge that exposes the greed and corruption lurking beneath the surface of the organ donation system. The author delves into complex ethical questions surrounding organ donation, challenging readers to consider the true value of human life and the commodification of organs.

While the book lacks the high-stakes tension of a traditional crime novel, it makes up for it with its thought-provoking exploration of moral dilemmas. The character of Miguel is sympathetic and compelling, drawing readers into his struggle to leave a meaningful legacy in the face of his own mortality.

One of the weaker aspects of the book is the subplot involving a musical being made about Miguel’s last weeks. The comedic elements of the musical fall flat and detract from the more serious themes of the story. However, this misstep does not overshadow the overall impact of the novel.

Overall, A Perfect Harvest is a thought-provoking and engaging read that shines a light on a little-discussed aspect of healthcare. While it may not reach the heights of Fitzhugh’s previous works, it is still a worthwhile addition to the Transplant Tetralogy. Fans of dark comedy and moral fiction will find much to enjoy in this novel.